forge world has given their spin on the Riptide battle suit and man
does it look cool. I am a sucker for large gun arms. I think that is
why I like the eldar titans. I just think a mech with guns for arms
remind me of the old battletech mechs.
guy is cool. I really like the improved head. it looks a lot like an
overgrown steathsuit but I love those too so we are all good.
the end though I will not be getting him. Right now I am on the fence
on weather or not I am going to keep my tau force. I am very close to
getting rid of the Tau and Necrons so I can focus on Orks, Tyranids and
IG. I love all 3 of those armies and have several thousands of points
for each including a super heavy. I will keep the Forge world Tau stuff
I own but I think the rest is going on the chopping block.
It is not set in stone but as soon as I put one item on the block the rest will follow.
Have a great Thursday.