With the finishing touches added early this morning, I completed my goal of have the Aberrants done before the new models get released.
While painting this model I was puzzled by the head. I just couldn't figure out what was going on with his forehead. Then, last night while looking at a zoomed in photo of the model I realized it was a third eye. I even noticed that I missed his droopy right eye as well. So, instead of rushing out to work I spent a few minutes hunched over my painting station completing the model for the blog.
I now have a squad of nine Aberrants. It would be nice to get a tenth models to max out the squad but I am not going to buy a box to get one model. Maybe when I am at adepticon I can find a single Aberrant. Until then nine will have to do.
Have a good weekend. Happy Ascension Day.
Questions? Comments? Revolt!!