This weekend I had a little down time and thought I would get a little hobby stuff out of the way. First, I wanted to add some texture to my new Tyranid monstrous creature bases. Next, I finally decided to make some twin linked (TL) Devourers for my Tyrant. Lastly, I painted up another heavy Weapons Team for my Guard.
The first project was easy. I just mixed up some celluclay. Added some sculpey made slate. then coated the base with the celluclay. It will look nice once painted and flocked. More interesting than a flat base.
Next up is my Heavy Weapons team. All that is left is some flock. I might add in some Celluclay to breakup the flat ground. I haven't decided yet.
With this guy done I only have 2 more to paint. The Guard are so close to being all painted.
My last project for the weekend was some TL Devourers for my tyrant. I have been lazy with these. Most of the time I just have my armless unpainted flying tyrant on the field. Well now I will have some arms for him. Also if I want to run my walking tyrant I won't have to lie and and say that those deathspitters are the TL Devourers. Here is how I made them.
First get 4 devourers and cut like so.
next I got some Green Stuff (GS) and put 2 of these together.
I then took an unused crushing claws (who would used them on a monstrous creature anyway) and cut off the claw part.
I then attached the guns to the claw and added in a few carapaces from an old genestealer sprue. (They can't use them anymore.)
Finally I added in a spike for good measure and I am finished
I drilled out the holes for the magnets. I am waiting for a shipment of them to come in. should be easy to add them in and get them going. should look decent enough. Better than the $10 a pair they go for on ebay.
I took some shots of my game the other day but just haven't had the time to get a report written out. Maybe some day this week. Have a good week everybody.
Questions? Comments? Nom nom noms?