I have a few necrons I have been ignoring. These models were from the Indomitus box set that I just didn't get around to. They were mostly done so I figured I would get them off the TOS.
First up was a group of scarabs. All that I needed to do was base them and boom! One unit done.
Next up was a reanimator. This model needed the blue to be painted and then it needed to be highlighted. I finished by adding some basing and I have another unit done.
I am unsure where this unit will fit in an army. They are very helpful but can be removed pretty easily. With the point decrease, I might try to bring a couple just to see how well they do. It might just be worth it to run more warriors.
The last model is a plasmacyte. I had to paint its base and paint the carapace blue before I could call it complete.
With the plasmacyte finished all of my Indomitus boxes are done. I can move on to one of my other forgotten projects. To the Table!!!!!!
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