Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Another Necron update


I have continued to work on my Necrons from the new box set.  Here are a few more completed models.

First up is the Overlord.

The model looks cool but I am not sure I will ever use him since I prefer the warscythe version better and the single use Tachyon Arrow is just begging to miss or not wound. If it was a single shot not once per game I would consider it but it feels like a waste.

I also painted up a Plasmacyte.  This little booger is an ablative wound on the Skorpekh Destroyers.  He also can boost their strength if you want to gamble.  If I have some extra points I might add him to the squad but I think he will be left out more often than not.

I also finished up a set of Cryptothralls.

These guys serve as bodyguards for the Crypteks.  I am tempted to run a few to help out my fragile Crypteks.  They have a 2 shot pistol with an ap of -2 which is handy and can churn out a bunch of attacks if a Cryptek is near by.  

While not the best unit they do protect your important Crypteks from snipers.  Unfortuantely, they do not get reanimation protocols.

The last model today is the Canoptek Reanimator.

I love that we have another way to boost our reanimation protocols rolls but I am sad that is it such a fragile platform.  with a toughness of 5 and six wounds,  your opponent should not have a problem removing him from the table. He is very tall so he will not be easy to hide.  

I am going to have to try him out on the battlefield.  Maybe in larger games his ability will come in handy.  The model is really cool though.

That is all for today.  I have more on the way and if I can find the time I will keep posting them. 

Questions? Comments? pew pew pews!