After my Superiors, I decided to finish my Retributors. I had two multi-meltas, a heavy flamer and a heavy bolter to paint.
First off I have my heavy flamer.
This brings my total to four multi-meltas. They are ready to get into the Immolator and kick some serious butt.
So, in total I have eleven different Retributors. the only option I can field is a full squad of heavy flamers. I will have to see if I need any other options. For now this will cover my needs.
From here I am going to work on my Imagifier. It has been really humid so I have not primed some of my other models. I do have the other batch of seraphim and three tanks that are ready to go. We will see where the bind blows me.
Have a good weekend and stay safe.
Questions? Comments? Dakka dakka pew pew whooooosh!