Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year Resolutions


Welcome to 2025! A new year means a new pledge to make to try to slay the grey faster than I can replenish it.  I am going to try to hold back from buying anything new as much as possible and hope to make a serious dent in what I already own.  With that being said I do know there are a few purchases on the horizon for me this year… we will see.

We might as well rip the bandied off and start with the models that I will probably get when they come out. The gloomspite gitz are getting some new wolf riders. There looks to be a new leader, a chariot, and a squad of riders to add to the squad of riders already out there.  I will need to look to see if there are any 3d models I can use as well to supplement this army.  I know I have some old Battle Master wolves that I could break out.

More models that I am looking forward to are some necromunda squats.  This will be a small purchase with a new trike as well as an upgrade kit.  I plan on using this kit as to add to the squad of Yeagers I already started to convert.  So, getting this will help me finish some models I already started! Double win!

So with those purchases out of the way I have all the Mechanium to finish painting. I have two big thanatars, a domitar, a arlatax, at least 4 castellans, at least 12 thallax and 6 Ursarax.  Then I have 2 archmagos and the triaros to finish up.  If I can get this done I will have a good start to the year.

Looking at 40k mechanicum, I have some Skatros snipers to paint as well as some Serberys raiders to finish up.  I don’t have a lot of ad mech to work on so maybe I can knock them out and get more done.

Sticking with robots I have a few Necrons I can work on.  I printed up some flayed ones as well as a new c’tan shard.  Besides that I have an heavy destroyer to paint and if I am feeling extra frisky I have some regular destroyers to repaint. We will see how I am feeling this year.

From robots we go to monsters.  I still have several tyranids to work on including  the deathleaper, another tyrant, a printed malaceptor and the big ass Harridan.  Now that I have a bambu printer I might try to print out another base for this guy since the one I have seems a bit puny.  I still have several termagaunts to work on as well so there is a lot of potential here.

Related to the Tyranids are the genestealer cult.  I did pick up the big brain guy they just released.   I also have some saboteurs to work on and a few random infantry models to paint.

Sticking with 40k and xenos I have a few orks I can work on including the big custom stompa I printed last year.  I also have some beast snagga boys as well as some squighog boys and finally the actual big mek from games workshop.

Talking about big models I have the warhound titan I am printing up, a lord of skulls, a chaos knight abominant, and finally a knight Castellan to finish painting. All of these are big boys that will take some time to work through but it always feels good to finish a big model.

Some armies I have on the back burner are the Karadron Overlords and the world eaters.    I might try to get my money back and try to sell the KO’s in the bazaar since I have the orks and soon to have gobos. The world eaters are another problem.  I want to play them but the models have so much trim it is frustrating.  It would be nice to try to play them sometime.

Speaking of Age of sigmar, I have to finish up my Ironjaws army and I have a few new additions to the nighthaunt.  If I can ever find a box of pyregheist in the wild I might eventually get them and add them to the pile.

I have a few sisters to work on and a printed Leman Russ walker to add to the queue and that will probably top of the list.  I am sure there are more and never count out good old Games Workshop to bring out more models for me to want to own.  As you can see, I have a full schedule if I want it.  I just need to find the motivation to actually sit down and paint. I hope you guys have a wonderful year and if I find the motivation to paint you will hear about it here.  I hope we all find time to slay the grey.