I first started out with the helmet a solid teal color but I was just not happy with how it turned out. I think the extra light blue grey really looks cool.
I knew I wanted the teal as my main color but I couldn't decide on the symboite skin. I ended up with a blue grey with a blue wash. While it doesn't stand out as much as I have seen the yellow or flesh colored ones I am happy for it. I just didn't like the looks of all the others I had seen.
I was also debating on whether to use red or orange to compliment the teal. I think my choice of red works well.
I am digging the GW techinical paint. add some cork and a little tuft of grass and I get a decent little base.
I think I did a decent job and will look decent on the playing field. I could add a few more edge highlights but I didn't want to over do it. The wash didn't really work well on the helmet but it seemed to work on the wings. I still need to figure out the skin tone for my Tohaa. I guess I can cross that bridge next month when I get the starter set.
Next up will be my Skitarii troops. They should be here today or tomorrow and with any luck I can start building them. Have a good week
Questions? Comments? AROs?