You might remember my scratch built exocrine took a swan dive and broke into many little pieces. Since then, I started the task of rebuilding him. I didn't just want to put him back together I wanted to improve him.
Having devourers for the middle arm just won't do. I planed to use some arms off a actionfigure but I couldnt find him so I went to the old reliable Ebay and found someone selling just the arms. They cost a little more than I wanted but I am glad I got them.

Next up I was never really happy with the top of my gun.
So, I tried a little bit of green stuff sculpting.
Before the fall I had fixed the problem that I had with the first version of the exocrine the base.
While he had a big base befoe his fall, there are some marsk ans some empty holes to fix I would alos like to get his left back foot on solid ground.
Finally, the last thing to fix is the paint job. as you can see I already primed him and he will be on his way. I might just add some more plates around the gun so it is not so much of a sore thumb.
That is all for now. I am not sure if I am going to have time to do anymore work on him this week but if I do you guys will be the first to know.
Questions? Comments? Nom nom noms?