Monday, September 16, 2024

Missing update

 So I am not sure what happened the last couple of months but I have only finished one squad of the new Thallax cohorts to show for my work. I have built a few models but have yet to paint anything fully except these little guys.

Since I don't have a lot to talk about I thought I would lay out my paint scheme for the 30k Horus Heresy Mechanicum army.

I based these guys on my 40k Ad Mech army with a little twist.  I wanted to use a metallic paint for this army some I had to find one I liked.  The first one I tried was the same one I was using for my Orruks but I could it too bright and it is no longer available so I decided not to use it.

I ended up using  Folkart Multi-surface Tanzanite Metallic paint. It has a nice metallic feel and I got a bottle that will last me a decade.

For the Copper, I used one of my favorite colors. Pro Acryl Copper.  It is a nice and smooth paint. Easily a one-coat metallic that does not hide detail.

For the trim, I used the old formula of Army Painter Uniform Grey.  I am sure they have a new version of this color but this bottle should last me a while.

For the hoses I wanted a color that would pop so I used the Teseract Glow over a white basecoat.

For the face shield I used the Pro Acryl Silver color but I will be changing that to Army Painter rough Iron.  It looks better in my opinion but I have not had a chance to go back and fix these guys.

For the red tip on the weapon, I used Army Painter Gemstone red.

Lastly, I used Agrellen Earth for the base.

That is my paint scheme for the mechanicum army.  These guys fuzzed a bit on priming.  I am disappointed but I move on.  Better to have a fuzzy paint job over no paint job.

Have a good one and I hope to have more done by the end of September.  Wish me luck.