In a couple of days I will be taking my team to Nova Open to play in the Hunger Games. I wanted to get some paint on them so I just didn't have some bare models. I have come to the conclusion that I just can't do a good job on these models. Here is my Sakiel.
I am going with an orange Symbiont suit. I think it looks good with the blues and greys. Over all I think he looks ok. I am never going to win for best painted but at least it is painted.
I was having trouble seeing the straps and then getting the paint to stick to it. It is like he just didn't want to be painted. the wash I used never did settle into the muscles of the suit that I have seen elsewhere.
His armor is still a flat blue. I need to fix this up before sealing. Even my camera is not liking these guys.
I might add some highlights to his armor but if I don't get to it I will not be sad. I had some touch ups on the Clipsos but she will be done soon as well. I have at least 4 more to paint before moving on. I never have had this problem with models before. I can't wait to go back to Games Workshop models. Plastics and the larger heroic scale are more my speed. Sorry Infinity.
Something else I had a problem with is the basing. The Technical paint was not staying on the bases so I switched to the sand. Again, it is not the best but it is what I did and can do. Time to seal these guys up and move on.
Questions? Comments? AROs?